Wednesday 23 June 2021

An Herbal Medicine Approach for Panchakarma Therapy and Constipation

Ayurveda and Herbal medicines have become more and more famous because of their cure from the root cause, zero side effects and effective medication. More and more people are going for Herbal Ayurvedic medicines in Delhi for their health concerns because of its holistic healing. Ayurveda connects mind, soul with nature and works on your body to heal it from within.

Constipation is one such health concerns that affect people very badly. Being constipated means your bowel movements are tough or happen less often than normal. This occurs when a person is having difficulty emptying their bowel. Changes in the lifestyle of persons, certain medications and certain illness can cause constipation.

Constipation can become a serious health concern if not treated at the right time. The unhealthy lifestyle and junk food eating habits are responsible for constipation. Most people not have exact knowledge of the disease. Constipation is the difficulty to pass stools from several weeks or longer and it becomes a chronic ailment.

In chronic constipation your bowel movements are not frequent. Low fiber diet and inadequate intake of the water is responsible for constipation. With constipation you will feel stressed, low energy and all your activities get disturbed.

One get early signs of constipation that those hard stools, lumpy stools, loss of appetite, rectal blockage, nausea, indigestion, hyperacidity, body heaviness, abdominal pain, and others.

The constipation is a common health concern that occurs when waste or stool is not able to get washed off or moves too slowly through rectum. It is important that this health concern is solved early so as to avoid its chronic stages and harmful effects to the body.

Ayurveda has many herbal medication and therapies for curing constipation. It is called ‘Vibandh’ in Ayurveda and is that which causes disturbances in the vata dosha of your body. The accumulation of undigested food and occult stool in the stomach and large intestines caused constipation.

Panchakarma Therapy is one of the most effective therapies in Ayurvedic medication for constipation. So, what is Panchakarma therapy? The therapy detoxifies the body at cellular levels and enhances the potency of herbs by cleaning the blockages caused by the toxin accumulation.

It is a cleansing Herbal Medicine for Constipation and a cleansing therapy that can be done to cleanse the body and rejuvenate body metabolism. It is the most famous detoxification process of Ayurveda using herbal oils. The special treatment of medicated massage oils and herbal remedies was prescribed from the ages of the yore.

It involves five natural methods of elimination, giving the body deep detoxifying, while balancing the three doshas of Vata, Kapa and Pitta. Diet is important both during and after Pachkakarma. After the therapy the patient should take light meal of rice and lentils porridge whenever they feel hungry.

The therapy resets the digestion process and let the body Detox naturally. It helps get relief from the constipation and help the person lead a healthy life.

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