Monday 17 May 2021

6 Natural Ways to Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine for Boosting the Immune System

It is very important to have a strong immune system to keep diseases at the bay. Those who have weak immunity are easily prone to fall prey to diseases. They easily get affected by viruses and bacteria in the environment and succumb to various diseases.

Also, in the unprecedented times of the Coronavirus, immunity is what acts as the protective shield against the dreadful virus. Doctors and medical practitioners suggest that the dreadful coronavirus can be kept at the bay by boosting the immunity of the body.

People are resorting to more and more means of raising the immunity power of their bodies and protecting themselves from the virus. One of the most preferred ways is to use Herbal Medicine for Boosting the Immune System. Herbal medicines are considered the best way to enhance the immunity of the body from the ages of the yore.

We, humans, are born with a weak basic immune system. It is through the constant interaction with the microbes in our environment and within our gut, we learn to fight against new microbes which help to strengthen the immune system.

Immunity is the function of certain cells, enzymes, and immuno-modulatory chemicals that attack pathogens and prevent them from causing diseases. This concept of microorganisms and a biological defense system against it led to the development of a plethora of antibiotics and vaccines in past decades.

Various developments in past decades, like the emergence of auto-immune issues, widespread antibiotic resistance in microbes, and a wider understanding of good bacteria and its functions, in our gut, have made science and human beings think of the concept of the immune system.

Ayurveda, the age-old healing therapy that uses nature and herbs to cure the root cause of the disease has laid down certain factors that affect the immunity of the person, this includes:

1. Imbalanced Diet: A diet that is not nutritionally balanced and is junk affects the immune system. Excess intake of processed sugars and additives for artificial flavors is known to weaken the immune system.

2. Excess Intake of Alcohol: Alcohol has a drastic impact on the body and the immune system of the person as a whole. It is seen that regular alcohol intake can weaken the effectiveness of the immune system against common pathogens.

3. Irregular Sleep: Varying sleep patterns and lack of sleep or interrupted sleep affect the immune system of the person.

4. Obesity: Excess weight of the person showcases a weak or imbalanced immune system

5. Chronic Medications: Long term use of antibiotics and certain other medications also weakens the the immune system of the person       

6. Dehydration: As per various studies not having enough liquid intake can also weaken the immunity of the body.


More Information: - Joint Pain & Bone Health

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